Call for a Special Meeting

From: Corey Ringle []
Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2011 8:22 AM
To: Riordan
Subject: Call for a Special Meeting

Hello Fellow Delegates:
Last Sunday, a group of delegates met to discuss the importance of calling a Special Meeting and amendments we would like to vote upon. Attached is a letter to be printed, signed, and returned to me, Corey Ann, as well as a list of the amendments and the explanations.
 In order to call a Special Meeting, two thirds of the delegates (national and membership) must sign a letter requesting the meeting. There are 78 delegates total, which means we need 52 signatures. The Chairperson of the Board, Dan Bragg, is then required to call a meeting within 30 business days or six weeks upon receiving our letter. He must give us ten calendar days notice before the meeting is called. During the meeting, there will be no discussion. We will be required to vote on only the information we list on the agenda (amendments) when the meeting is called. A simple majority, or 51 members of the voting assembly will be required to agree in order for the amendment to be accepted. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call myself, Corey Ann, or Roberta Riordan.
By signing the letter to meet, you are not committing to agree to any of the amendments. We need signatures as soon as possible, as time is camps. No action informs the Board of Directors and GSNEO that we are okay with the current decision to sell the properties. We have already run into interference when trying to gain the delegate contacts. Once I collect at least 52 signed letters, I will send the letters to GSNEO through certified mail and keep everyone informed of the process.
 Send letters via mail: Corey Ann Ringle, 16410 Fernway Road, Shaker Heights, OH 44120
Send scanned letters via e-mail:
 Yours in Girl Scouting.
 Corey Ann Ringle

Roberta Riordan